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Summer 2023: Week 2 VBCC


Our second week of summer missions was with a group that has been with us almost since the beginning of EY2S. Virginia Beach Community Chapel is always a really fun group of students; they are high energy and bring so much joy with them. This year was no different. The group rolled in Sunday afternoon and got right to having fun. They were up bright and early the next morning to make and eat breakfast and then study the word of God.

Our worksites this week were similar to last week. We went back to Ms. Linda's and laid the posts for the fence. Then we went to see Mr. James again to keep helping him with his landscaping needs and to fix up his porch steps. The students also worked around the camp, helping to care for the gardens. Getting to partner with Camp4Heroes has been an absolute pleasure these past couple years. We love the mission the camp has of reaching veterans and first responders and giving them a place of peace, and it is an honor every time we get to serve here and give back a little bit.

Our community outreach looked a little different this week. Last week and for the rest of our time in fairmont, we are doing an open air vbs at a local park. This week, however, we partnered with a local church to help out and join in with their yearly Vacation Bible School. We met and partnered with Orrum Baptist for the first time last year and it was so much fun we just had to do it again. We are just so grateful for the ways this community has welcomed us in. Monday through Friday we went to Orrum in the evenings for Vacation Bible School. This years theme was Following Jesus Changes the Game. The students helped out in the music, games, and craft stations. The other group of students joined the toddler group leaders and traveled around with the toddlers, helping to teach them. We had an amazing time and cant wait to continue to partner with Orrum Baptist in the future.

Overall it was an amazing week. The students came around and supported one another. They prayed together, worshiped together, and laughed together. By far the best part of the week was Friday night when one of the students gave their heart to Christ. Praise God! He is always doing glorious things, and we feel so privileged to get to watch. Thanks for a great week Virginia Beach Community Chapel, see you next year!



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