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Summer 2022: Week 2 Grace Community


Week 2: Grace Community Church

Our second week at Empowering Youth 2 Serve was a smaller group than week 1, but they were just as mighty. Grace Community Church is the church where Jeff is a pastor, so it is always very special to have these students come serve with us. They were joined by some students from the Fairmont area.

This week our schedule was somewhat turned upside down. As we've become more connected to the community of Fairmont, we have been increasingly given the amazing opportunity to partner with people here. This week, we joined Orrum Baptist Church for their evening summer Vacation Bible School Extravaganza. And it was a blast! The church welcomed us with open arms, and the students jumped right into serving. The students helped out in music, games, and crafts. One group of students joined the toddler age group and traveled around with them through the various stations. Everyone had a great time, and it was so amazing watching the body of Christ come together to serve and spread the gospel. Thank you Orrum Baptist! We hope to see you again next year!

In the mornings, the team continued the work projects the students last week started. Monday morning we went back to Mrs. Linda and Mr. Clyde's house to focus our efforts on clearing the brush out behind their house. The students also were able to go inside and sing for Mr. Clyde. Tuesday through Thursday they were back at Camp4Heroes finishing up the painting of the cabins and continuing to lay down flooring.

Then after lunch, we had our group bible study time. While we normally do this in the evenings, it was encouraging to remind one another why we serve and what God was doing in our lives before packing up to serve at Vacation Bible School.

We ended on Friday with another fun day and then went to Orrum Baptist to celebrate with them and close out the week. Thank you Grace Community Church!



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