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Summer 2022: Week 1 VBCC


We just finished our first week of summer missions!! Sunday afternoon, Virginia Beach Community Chapel rolled in with 25 missionaries ready to serve the Lord. They persevered through hot temperatures and constant bugs with great joy. We have been partnered with this church for several years now, and it is always a privilege to walk beside them.

This summer we are starting off again at Camp4Heroes in Fairmont, NC. This place has truly become our home away from home and we are so grateful to all the staff for their continual warm welcome. Sunday afternoon, the bus pulled in and the students piled out, ready to get started. We played some games, ate some pizza, and discussed our week ahead.

Monday morning, bright and early, the missionaries were up and preparing breakfast. Then, like every morning, we all found some space for our daily devotionals, which we call our Breakfast with God. Afterwards, everyone got back into the van and we headed to see Mrs. Linda.

Mrs. Linda and her husband Clyde live near the camp. They faithfully served in their church and spread the gospel for many years, preaching and teaching. Now, Mr. Clyde has become bedridden from dementia. This summer, we had the immense privilege to give back in a small way to a couple who has given so much to the kingdom of God. The students did yard work, picked up trash, cleaned the porch, and started to clear out the brush behind their house.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday our work projects were back at Camp4Heroes. Camp4Heroes is a retreat built for veterans and first responders to find peace and experience God through the beauty of nature. We love assisting around the camp because it gives us the opportunity to say thank you to all the men and women who have given so very much to serve others. The students painted the cabins, installed flooring, and helped clean out the garage.

Our community outreach this week was focused on preparing and spreading the word about our Vacation Bible School pop-up on Thursday morning. Monday, the students planned all the activities. Tuesday and Wednesday they went out into the community to spread the word, and Thursday it was time for VBS! Thursday morning we had 15 students and 6 parents show up. Everyone had an amazing time. The students played games, made crafts, sang songs about Jesus, and put on a play about the biblical characters Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. (Or in this case: Chad, Sharon, and Ben.) The lesson of the story was that we need to do what is right even when it is hard.

Friday morning, we finished out the week with a fun day of water games before cleaning up and getting ready to say goodbye on Saturday. It was an amazing week and a wonderful way to start the summer. Over and over again, VBCC reminded us that all we need to do is be obedient to God and He will carry us through. Thanks guys!!



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