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Persistent Prayer

Writer's picture: EY2S AdminEY2S Admin

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

This is the second blog in a series we have about different ways you can do ministry, even as things have changed. Whether you are a youth, parent, young adult, regular adult, or grandparent, we are all members of the body of Christ called to show his love to others.

Persistent Prayer

For many of you, you’re already doing this. You have been consistently praying, making sure to take time to praise the Lord and give thanks, turn away from sin in repentance, and lay requests at His feet. But you get to this one person or that specific request, and you can feel it in your heart. A little squeeze.

How long have you been praying for that person? A week, a month, a year? 5 years? 10? What about that job, this situation? You can’t remember a day that has gone by that you haven’t been praying for this. And yet, it feels like all you are getting is nothing.

As we look at the violent and heartbreaking deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and more, we wonder, how long have we been praying for the end of discrimination and prejudice in our nation? Will there ever be reconciliation?

These are all heavy things that weigh on our hearts. The next step is simple:

Have courage dear Christian. And keep praying.

Take a moment and read Luke 18:1-8. Here is the link

We have a good, good God, faithful to his people, and abundant in love and faithfulness. Since he cares about what is right, good, and glorifies himself, He is already vastly better than the judge in the parable. But on top of all that, He also cares deeply for us personally. He cries with us, he intercedes for us. He is working in this dark and terrible mess, healing the brokenhearted, binding up their wounds (Psalm 147:3).

But we need to turn to the Source and Giver of all hope at this time and every time. We need to remain in His presence with persistence. Even when the answer is waiting, God delights in us speaking to Him.

Laura Story put it best in her book When God Doesn't Fix It, a wonderful testimony about how the Lord carried her through a difficult portion of her life. She writes,

“When we go through trials, it’s easy for us to pray for protection from harm, for our health, for our safety, and for our own happiness. But I think God has more planned for us than those things. He’s asking us if we’ll still believe and have faith even if our life isn’t comfortable, our days are filled with trials, our prayers have not been answered the way we like, and our dreams die. He’s asking us to have faith, even during our trials, because he has more good planned for us than we could ever hope for or imagine" (253).

As you take the time to intentionally deepen and persist in prayer, meditate on the following Scripture of the Lord’s delight in your prayers. The prayers of God’s people are likened to a fragrant offering, and the Lord delights in the prayers you pray.

Psalm 141:1-2

O Lord, I call upon You; hasten to me!

Give ear to my voice when I call to You!

May my prayer be counted as incense before You;

The lifting up of my hands as the evening offering.


Previous post in this series:

Modified Ministry 1: Think Really Local


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