This is the third blog in a series we have about different ways you can do ministry, even as things have changed. Whether you are a youth, parent, young adult, regular adult, or grandparent, we are all members of the body of Christ called to show his love to others.
Living Worship

This blog is a little more personal than the other ones I have previously written for this series. Because for me, worship is where I am able to best lay aside everything and focus on the Lord. There is something about a community of worship that connects me to Him. It’s the reminder that He is there for me and all those around me; the reminder that He has a plan for each one of us and meets us in our brokenness and need and shows us His light. But because of the ongoing health crisis, I have been unable to attend worship services in person.
Normally at the end of the summer, we would have an EY2S worship night as a culmination of everything that we had learned and done so far. However, this summer it did not happen. Our quarterly worship events this past spring and the one coming in the fall, all postponed. And I miss them both.
But this summer, I have been challenged to bring my worship into this interim time and space. That yes, even now while we cannot formally meet together and sing the songs in a corporate setting, I can still worship the Lord.
For me, right now at this moment, worship is abiding in Christ. It means resting and trusting in His promises and letting my Christ-centered actions flow from that place of peace, rather than a place of desperation and trying to earn the love the Lord has already lavished me with. It means giving thanks for the small things. It means taking every moment as a gift from God.
Mary and Martha are held up as examples of what to do when Christ comes to your home. Martha gets a bad reputation. She runs around serving and preparing a meal for Christ and resents Mary for just sitting at Christ’s feet.
Honestly, I identify with Martha. Martha is a go-getter, she is serving, doing, especially when there isn’t that time to just sit and be idle like Mary.
But the truth is, Mary took this moment with Jesus to learn from Him. She did not have to impress Christ with all that she could do for Him. Instead, she took the time to sit and rest at His feet.
For me, this moment came for me when the power went out during a hurricane.
I woke up earlier than usual to try to get into my work-from-home routine, only to discover the entire house was without power. I planned on working a full day that day to compensate for some appointments I had later in the week. But without power, I could not effectively work from home. My plans were dashed
I had two potential responses. One I could have started to spaz, viewed my inability to work due to an uncontrollable situation as a reflection of personal failure, let out all my frustrations on my family, and remain in a state of panic in an attempt to salvage my workday.
Or, I could take this as a moment to sit and rest before Christ.
I chose option number two, and I was able to do an be at peace; resting that the Lord had control over the situation. I was able to have a couple of key conversations that day that without a doubt needed to happen. I spent some extra time in the Word and prayer. But what made this moment of rest in the Lord so priceless was how it carried into the next day when I was hard at work again. I was still able to rest in the Lord because I trusted that his promises were true. And that in turn shapes my very actions to go from just living to living worship.
Emily Freeman has written this beautiful book called Grace for the Good Girl. I would recommend every Christian woman to read this book. But even if you aren't a woman, the truths in this book speak to you as well. As a marker for how much I love this book, in the last year, I have read this book 3-4 times. Every time I do, it is like a wave of relief comes on me. The reminder that because of Christ’s great grace, I do not need to work to earn God’s love and salvation gives me life. It is a reminder that I can rest on His promises. Here is where she puts everything together nicely of what worship is:
“And after I receive him, he asks that I remain in him, like a trusting daughter (or son) refusing to leave their daddy’s lap. Worship and service flow out in response from that safe, secure place of abiding in his presence” (Freeman 220)
So come and worship Christian. Worship and rest in the presence of your God. Take comfort that even as you work, you are surrounded by His love, presence, and peace.
Colossians 3:17
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
If you are interested in learning more about Grace for the Good Girl, check out this video below:
Previous post in this series:
Modified Ministry 2: Persistent Prayer