In our final week of the summer, we headed back to North Carolina for one last week of missions in Fairmont. Joining us this week was Peninsula Community Chapel. PCC first came two years ago, and they also served with us (following safety regulations) last summer as well.
Since we were back at Camp 4 Heroes, our work projects were once again focused on helping the Camp. One of the most impactful things for the students was that most of our work was done on the new chapel. They secured several boards in the walls and every day it wasn’t raining they were out painting. They loved it so much that we spent all of Monday painting. Some of the teams also helped out sanding and cleaning the farmhouse and building storage shelves. The students loved the opportunity to really pour into things that would have a huge impact. Often in the evenings, we would return to the chapel to have our worship time there.
On Tuesday, the students prepared for hosting a Vacation Bible School on Thursday and then spent Wednesday going out through the community--passing out flyers and bagged lunches. Thursday morning we had a great VBS. We saw several new faces with a bunch of kids coming out, and some old friends who had hung out earlier in the summer. The youth group threw a great VBS with lots of dancing, games, crafts, and a fantastic skit about David and Goliath. They loved the kids, talked and prayed for the parents, and served the Lord with all they did.
Friday morning the students finished up the last couple of tasks around the camp. Then we had a big lunch all together and performed skits before having an afternoon of games and laughter. We closed out the evening with the first-ever PCC and EY2S frog race, a tradition that will hopefully carry on for years to come.

This week was an impactful one for the students. They worked hard, engaged the community, wrestled with the Bible studies, and poured into one another. A couple of weeks after the trip, 4 of the students who came (and one of the interns) got baptized. We are so grateful to serve an amazing God who is constantly loving His children and drawing them closer to Himself. Thanks for a great ending to the summer, Peninsula!