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Don't Wish Your Youth Away

Writer's picture: EY2S AdminEY2S Admin

Often I am struck by how often Christians, but especially young Christians, are living for some future moment.

They say to themselves: If only I find a girlfriend, then I will be content. If only I can get out of my parent’s house, then I can actually do something with my life. If only I was older, if only I could drive, if only I could graduate school, everything would be better, I could do something that would matter; I could actually do something big for God.

If only, if only, maybe someday, but not today. Over and over we repeat this to ourselves.

Whether or not we are consciously aware of it, this attitude subtly shapes how we live in middle and high school. Over and over again, we tell ourselves that what we have today is not enough to do what God has called us to do.

This could not be any further from the truth.

Just because you can’t drive, you live with your parents, you don’t have a lot of life experience, does not make you useless to the Lord.

Stop living like your grown-up life is the only thing that matters.

Today matters.

You, no matter how young you are, have so much you can do for the kingdom of God right now. In fact, you are exactly where you need to be for God to use you.

Not only that, but this time in your life is a crucial time for learning and growth. You have a community of older believers that long to pour into you. Take advantage of the godly men and women in your life. First your parents, and then your youth leaders, older mentors in your church, and your teachers.

Your youthful understanding of the world, your energy and drive to meet the challenges before you sets you apart as a change maker. You are not set in your ways, but your hearts are open to the Lord and what he has in store for you.

You may be a time of preparation or learning, so you might not be exactly where you want to be for that reason. But time spent growing, learning both school and life lessons, is not wasted time. Without that time, you will not be ready when the time comes.

In fact, over and over again in the Bible, we find God using youth in different ways. The boy who’s lunch became the food that fed a massive crowd. David slaying Goliath. Over and over again throughout history, we see how God has used youth to bring the gospel to others, bring healing to the hurting, and break the chains of the oppressed.

Don’t put God in a box. Don’t say He can’t use you now. Because He can and He will. Lean deep into God young Christian. He has already provided you with everything you need right now.

So don’t be afraid.

Go, and do what the Lord has laid on your heart.


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