An EY2S Mission trip is good for…

For students who have grown up in the church, an EY2S mission trip is a perfect opportunity to learn how to put their faith in action. Through the worksite and VBS, students experience and overcome everyday challenges.
For students who are new Christians, an EY2S mission trip is a great opportunity to learn just who God is. Every morning and evening we spend time in the Bible. Because we want to come alongside our students, our leaders are available to help students study and provide counsel throughout the day. Students read and discuss as a group what they learned and consider how to apply it.
Young Adults

Whether you are a high-school graduate, a college student, or in the workforce, if you have a heart for youth, an EY2S mission trip is a great place for you to serve. You could serve as a trip leader for the youth of your local church. Not only will you be enriched, but you will have the opportunity to watch the spiritual growth of your students and can continue mentoring them when you get home.
Young adults are also in a great position to serve as an EY2S intern or leader. An intern comes for 1-2 weeks, exploring what it is like to be an EY2S leader by shadowing current leaders and serving alongside our student missionaries. An EY2S leader serves for an 8-week commitment. They will be challenged to make decisions, walk alongside young missionaries, mentor teams to success, provide spiritual guidance, lead projects, among other responsibilities.
Youth Groups

Does it feel like your youth group is disconnected or fracturing into cliques? Our core values of relationships and transparency mean that we encourage our mission teams not only to serve and impact the lost around them but to bond with each other. Through our chore, worksite, and Vacation Bible School teams, your youth group will have the opportunity to work with everyone as a team. Then during Breaking Bread, students have an opportunity to practice transparency and share their struggles with one another. We finish our trips every night with a Reflection Ceremony, where students publicly encourage each other.

We intentionally structure our trips so that students and youth leaders are given specific tools to apply what they have learned to their churches. Every night we go over a section in our study book called “Stop and Think”. These sections are designed to be brainstorming sessions to get students thinking critically. Some topics we have discussed in the past include: how to overcome the generational gap in the church, how to stay in church after high school graduation, and how to serve within their church and neighborhood.
Anyone Considering Mistry as a Lifestyle

Interested in being a missionary? Pastor? Youth minister? An EY2S mission trip is a perfect stepping stone to gain the skills needed for all of these professions. Our focus on a domestic mission trip enables you to serve right in your own community before looking to reach the ends of the earth.
The Empowering part of Empowering Youth to Serve means that we want to push you to go where God has called you. Whether you are a student missionary or a leader, an EY2S mission trip can give you the tools to practically relate to people and to share the gospel.